New Commenting System

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I've just installed to replace the blogger commenting system. Don't panic! It looks different, but it still allows for unregistered users to comment. It has a few extra features, so I'm trying it out.

Now, it looks like the old comments have been wiped out [I freaked the fuck out when I saw this, some of you bastards are pretty funny and I would hate to lose my old comments], but they're still there. You just have to click on the post titles in the side bar to view them as individual posts. Like this:

My fat ass is officially under attack

If anyone encounters any problems with this new system, please email me at I can revert back to the old system at any time.

Anyway, I am home with a sick child today, so I plan on catching up with laundry. I'm fairly cranky, being on a diet and all, and I'm hoping that a heaping bowl of Raisin Bran will perk me up. I don't know who I think I'm kidding with that statement, but I figure if I say that I like fiber-filled food enough times, maybe I can fool my brain into believing it.

I'm pretty much on the rampage this week. I did a math project involving m&m's with my class and was taunted by the sweet smell of processed chocolate and candy coated shells for 2 hours straight. I don't think my sense of smell has ever been so acute. It was all I could do not to forcefully pry the stuff from their chubby little hands.

It is also becoming apparent to my colleagues that I am now on a diet. I walked into the teacher's lounge [crappy diet food in hand] and sat next to an equally chubby colleague who was reading Cosmo.

"Well, isn't SHE a skinny little thing!" I said with disgust, my voice dripping with hunger-filled venom as a rail thin model stared me down from the open page.

She looked at me sideways, with a bit of alarm. Then she looked down at my lunch, and nodded with understanding.

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels, right K?" she said with a knowing smile.

Tell that to my taste buds, bitch.


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