I'd rather have coal than THIS crap...

Monday, January 16, 2006

This is the promised follow-up to my "Crappy Christmas Gifts" post from last month. I compiled data from several sources...friends, family, a couple of message boards, and my loyal readers, and this is the all-star list of truly awful gifts.

Penis-related items, as always, were hot:
  • A crystal with a bulbous, reflective tip.
  • A penis made out of pantyhose and cotton balls...packaged in a mason jar.
  • Cock rings. From a great grandmother who thought they were napkin rings.
  • A box of condoms. With 4 of the 12 pack missing.
  • A sympathy card: "You have my sympathies on the length and width of your husband's penis."
Random "What the Fuck?" items:
  • A stone gorilla reading the Wall Street Journal
  • A "Little Book of Lifesavers". For a 24 year old man.
  • Plastic lawn squirrel
  • Scratched lottery tickets ("pre-loved")
  • A 2 sizes too small flannel shirt from a department store that's been out of business for 15 years.
"I got a sweater with a black lab on it one time. I sold it to a Mexican at a yard sale."
  • A mouse that sits behind a tiny grand piano and plays Christmas music. Again, for a grown man.
  • A pull cart for golf clubs. Never mind that the guy had three, his mother in law said that the ones he was using "didn't match his bag".
  • Fifty $1 bills in a bucket of popcorn kernels. I thought my jar was annoying, this guy actually had to DIG to find the cash.
  • A bag of sugar and a bag of flour
  • An initial sweater with the letter "I"...for a girl named Lisa.

Just plain gross:
  • A moldy, half-empty box of tampons
  • Giant sanitary napkins...like the kind you use after you have a baby
  • Homemade jam, in leaky relish jars
  • Used & tarnished 80's junk jewelry
  • Dead bird. Someone forgot to cut air holes in the wrapping paper...
  • Giant balls of soap, made out of tiny slivers of USED soap.

Thankfully, there is balance in nature...and for those who got screwed, there is still a chance to get what you wanted at the January clearance sales. I mean, I just got collapsible Rubbermaid food storage containers at Wally World for a buck each. It doesn't get any better than that.


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