Profound? Not really.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

As I'm sure the two of you who still read this have noticed, the blog has been a bit sparse since I started working full time. I actually have a life outside of my home, and have less and less time to dedicate to staring at my portable idiot box, can you fucking believe it? I do, however, miss the therapy associated with my writing...and I haven't been writing lately simply because I haven't had any crazy adventures that I thought worthy of an entry on the blog. These stories actually do require a lot of thought as far as structure and flow, and to be completely honest, I am a lazy piece of shit when it comes to using my brain outside of work these days. I'm coming up on the six month mark of "being a normal person who works a normal 40 hour week," and I think I'm finally getting used to it, so I'm going to make an effort to write more.

I am, however, going to take a different approach.

I am not going to hold myself to the old rule of "if you don't have a substantial story to write, then just don't write at all." Every day, I come across interesting and humorous things, but they are generally not enough to which I can dedicate an entire entry, at least by my normal standards. I think I'm going to post more entries, but with less content, and save the big long and drawn out stories for the weekends, or for when something worthy happens.

For today, I will tell a short story of the circus that we went to the other night. Youngest Child was really, really into it...the other two, not so much, but the little one pretty much thought it was the most awesome thing he'd ever seen.

This is the part where the Sky Masters did their "sit on a big tall pole and wave themselves around" routine. They had this whole dramatic thing where they pretended to almost fall, and the entire audience was dead silent...all of a sudden, Youngest Child stood up on his chair and screamed at the top of his lungs, "GET DOOOOWWN!!!!!" Our entire section busted up laughing. In his logical little brain, he just couldn't understand why these assholes would endanger themselves voluntarily.

Then came the elephants. Youngest Child had taken a ride on them during intermission (10 bucks for twice around the ring, whoop de fuckin doo), and was completely fascinated. Every time they did a trick, he's stand up, applaud wildly and yell "GOO JOB EPHANTS!!!"

I don't normally endorse circuses, since they mistreat the animals and make the monkeys eat their own shit and stuff like that, but we were invited and we thought it rude to say no. It was a pretty good time though.


  • At 3/24/2007 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    looking forward to seeing more from you.
    glad you had fun at the circus.

  • At 3/24/2007 9:55 PM, Blogger S said…

    Glad to see you at the keyboard again.

  • At 3/25/2007 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I enjoy your outlook on things and your humor. Write what you feel like writing, that's why I read.

  • At 3/31/2007 1:36 AM, Blogger Washington Crunchy Mama said…

    We missed you!

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