The Chronicles of Hellhole: Day 4

Friday, August 11, 2006

It was a short night, thankfully, as my supervisor took mercy on me and let me go at about 1am (as opposed to 3:15, as is normal). As I was walking out, my previous supervisor, Kevin (you know, back when I wore a polo shirt and didn't break my nails) saw me coming and made a big gesture of looking at his watch. You see, the management is taking a lot of joy in ribbing me for being knocked back to being an hourly employee, and they throw out comments every chance they get. Aren't they sweet?

Kevin: [looking at watch] "Where do you think you're going?"
K: "Kevin, this right here is the beauty of being completely unimportant."
Kevin: "Well don't get used to it, lady. You'll be suffering with the rest of us soon enough."
K: "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind when I'm snug in my bed at 1:30."
Kevin: [smirks] "Eh, for $8.50, I guess you can have your early night this time."
K: "Yep. What time do you get out? 5 or so?"
Kevin: [smirk falls away] "More like 6."
K: "Well then I'll grab an extra pillow in your honor. 'Night Kevin!"

I ran out of there with glee. I'll take the small victories where I can, motherfuckers.


  • At 8/12/2006 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cool of u to have said that:)

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