Fuckin' sweeeeeeet...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Friday was an expensive day. We ventured down to Ikea and dropped 2 grand on cabinets for the dining room project, a table, 6 chairs and a bench, which was actually stupid cheap for really nice stuff. Hopefully the husband will now get motivated to finish our remodeling project before fall.

Since we were on a roll, we decided to hit the local furniture stores to do some shopping for a new living room set. We've always had to buy cheap shit, being poor and all...we're still poor, but we put some money away and we are having a sectional delivered mid-September.

We took the kids with us (which was a mistake) and they jumped all over this fucker like it was a moonwalk at the carnival. Needless to say, the furniture protectant and 5 year puncture warranty on the leather was a major selling point.

Nothing much else happened this week...oh yeah, except for the day that Middle Child decided to put the potty seat over his head and got it stuck around his neck. I called the husband in to help me get the thing off...he almost dropped to the floor laughing.

H: [laughing] "Oh shit...get the camera!"
K: "WHAT???"
H: "Get the camera...oh my God..."
K: "Are you fucking kidding me??? HELP ME GET THAT THING OFF HIS HEAD, FUCK THE CAMERA!"
H: "Aw come on, this is blog material."
K: "There is a line to be drawn, man! Jesus Christ!!!"

So you'll all be glad to know that the husband is on your side. He's just as concerned with your entertainment as I am.


  • At 7/22/2006 7:14 PM, Blogger Tracy said…

    That's hilarious. I would have enjoyed the pic.. I have to admit :)

  • At 7/22/2006 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now that would've been a funny picture, you gotta admit it! Tell me more about the couch. That's just what we've been looking for. Who makes it?

  • At 7/23/2006 12:09 AM, Blogger K said…

    We got it at Bernie & Phyl's, which is a furniture store based out of Massachusetts. I couldn't tell you exactly who manufactures it though.

  • At 7/24/2006 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What do you mean you didn't take a pic. That surprises me!

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