How many ways am I a complete tard?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Let me count them...

1) A bag of onions dropped to the back of a cabinet that I rarely look in, and turned into this:

Perhaps a sign that I should clean the cabinets more often?

2) As my husband made the shopping list, he specifically noted that the eggs I buy should be WHITE. The reason for this is that last year, I came home with 2 dozen BROWN eggs for easter egg dying activities. Never did it dawn on me that I had to buy white. Ever seen brownish pink eggs? No? Well, I have.

3) While I shop, I HAVE to cross things off my list as I go or I would wander aimlessly. If I forget my pen, I spend twice as much time shopping.

4) I thought I lost my pen, and while I was at the checkout, I dug through my purse like a nut and looked all around the floor. It was one of my purple stick pens (which are kinda hard to come by) and I was kinda pissed at myself for losing it.

Back at home, as I leaned into the car to get the groceries, something in my hair got caught up in the door and ended up stabbing me in the neck, breaking the skin and leaving a nasty little welt.

Up side: I found my pen. W00T.


  • At 4/13/2006 2:33 AM, Blogger Riss said…

    Ouch on the neck!

    My onions are in plain sight and they end up looking like that. At least you have an excuse.

  • At 4/14/2006 9:04 PM, Blogger Marc said…

    How the fuck did that fucking pen get caught in your fucking hair. Fuck that fukcing cock sucking fucking pen. Fuckin Fuck.

  • At 4/14/2006 9:05 PM, Blogger Marc said…

    thats a nasty onion btw

  • At 4/15/2006 11:42 AM, Blogger K said…

    nasty little habit I picked up working at the hellhole. I always had to have a pen on me, so I kept it up in my hair.

  • At 4/16/2006 10:07 PM, Blogger Washington Crunchy Mama said…

    I dye brown eggs on purpose! I love the rich deep tones they produce.

  • At 4/19/2006 1:46 AM, Blogger K said…

    Yeah, my family sure didn't appreciate my rich, deep tones.

    We had to leave those bastards in the dye for like an hour to get any kind of color. My kids are a little too much into instant gratification for brown eggs I guess!

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