Loser, Interrupted

Friday, March 31, 2006

My current principal gave me the "sorry, you suck, and we don't want you for next year" speech today. Well, not in those exact words, but that was pretty much all I heard while her lips moved and her eyes avoided mine.

My current position was only for the school year, and I knew that going in, but I was hoping that if I busted my ass and threw myself into my work that I would somehow be recognized for that and given a permanent position. Sadly, I am not fucking any of the selectmen, nor am I the daughter of somebody with political influence, which puts me at the bottom of the proverbial totem pole.

Never mind that there are some exceptionally shitty teachers who have those sought-after positions...take, for example, my 3rd grade teacher. She used to scream at us all day long, yank us by our arms and tell us we had "minds like sieves" (I didn't find out what a sieve was until years later, thankfully), but she's still teaching. Somebody like me, who actually wants to do some good, will flounder in the bowels of the school system (i.e. substitute teaching) for years before landing a decent job.

Some of you may remember my elation a few months back at having landed a job. "K is a loser no more" I declared, full of hope and expectation that hard work would eventually pay off. I guess this school year has just been a brief hiatus from Loserville, perhaps a tiny step closer to an ultimate goal, but just a hiatus nonetheless.

I plan to get exceedingly drunk this evening. Exceedingly drunk.


  • At 3/31/2006 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll burn his car for you. I'm that kind of friend.

  • At 4/02/2006 8:48 AM, Blogger Wizzie said…

    You're obviously a great teacher, K.

    It's those dumbasses loss, trust me.

    As a school student, if I don't like a teacher, I don't learn. If I like them, I listen and take notice.

    Therefore, losing you is like losing work.

  • At 4/02/2006 12:25 PM, Blogger K said…

    Bobber is the best blog fan EVER. I could tell a story about shitting on someone's front lawn and he'd still think me fabulous.

  • At 4/02/2006 4:30 PM, Blogger Jess said…

    K - That really sucks.I'm sorry you're so discouraged.

    You can tell you love teaching from the way you write about it. They really blew a good thing.

  • At 4/02/2006 8:21 PM, Blogger MsCellania said…

    Totally their loss, K. Something better must be waiting in the wings for you.
    Sulk, scream, cry. Then keep teaching. Those kiddos need you. Some school will see you for the jewel that you are. And offer you a choice teaching job. I have faith!

  • At 4/02/2006 9:07 PM, Blogger K said…

    Let me tell ya, Vickee...I'm glad you have faith, because I have a feeling I'll be calling the hellhole for my job back before the school year is out. :(

  • At 4/03/2006 1:14 PM, Blogger Major Bedhead said…

    Bah, that sucks. Idiots don't know what they've just lost. I had a teacher like the one you described. She was unbelievably awful and all I learned from her was that nuns are fucking scary creatures.

    I hope your hangover wasn't too awful.

  • At 4/03/2006 2:37 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Dont sweat it, It's surely a sign of better things to come! What does'nt kill us makes us stronger.... (boy that sounds more stupid than the thought) Its their loss and your gain. Be strong


  • At 4/06/2006 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry to hear this. As everyone else said, It's their loss. Too bad there are not more teachers out there like you.

    My good friend is in your position. She LOVES teaching and getting every child involved. She is quite the character, like you, and children love her and LEARN from her. She's been subbing for a year. Sad thing is, they keep elimnating teacher positions for budget reasons. So it's harder and harder to find a job.

    Hoping something comes up for you so you don't have to return to the hellhole. You're so above that place.

    Although, it's always there for a good blog story. (Just trying to find a positive for you.)

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