Birk season is finally upon us

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Today, I was able to pry my feet out of a horribly uncomfortable pair of sensible teacher shoes and put them instead into a pair of Birkenstocks. I feel like a new woman. It's amazing how a pair of shoes can change your mood entirely.

Please pay no attention to my ghostly, oversized, somewhat misshapen toes. I haven't had a chance to put polish on them yet, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let ugly toes deprive me of participating in the first day of sandal season.

Oh yeah, and ignore the horribly stained carpet as well. We're putting it out of its misery this summer, and installing something darker than won't show the inevitable stains that come with having small children.

Back to the sandals. I have three pairs of Birkenstocks; a black pair (pictured), a beige pair, and a brown pair. The browns were my first, and are still my favorite, even if the cork is peeling apart. I've had them for 5 years, and they're perfectly broken in. These black ones...not so much. I bought them 2 years ago, and was kinda pissed when they arrived in the mail because they're made of Birko Flor, which isn't the smooth leather, but more of a suede-y type of crap. Not nearly as durable, and the ends of the straps have a tendency curl after a while. Grr.

There is really no point to this post. No interesting story attached to my sandals, at least not a specific one, and nothing amusing to say. Well, unless you find ugly feet entertaining.


  • At 3/30/2006 5:41 PM, Blogger Wizzie said…

    You ruined my comments:

    I saw that picture and thought "I KNOW! I'll say "nice feet"" But you mentioned them, then I thought "LOL, CARPET!" (YES, I think in acronyms.) ALAS, you mentioned the carpet.

    Leaves me with only one choice... Nice trousers!

  • At 3/30/2006 7:04 PM, Blogger K said…

    I changed the darned floating orange. Does it look ok from over there?

  • At 3/31/2006 11:46 AM, Blogger Major Bedhead said…

    I need to get a new pair of Birks. I have a pair of Bass fakenstocks that have lasted me a good long time, but they went and changed the design (I HATE that) and I don't like the new ones. So, Birks it is. I'll fit it so well in crunchy NoHo.

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