The Carver: Prada-Wearing Cockless Wonder

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I don't know how many of my loyal readers are nip/tuck fans, but the finale was last night and the identity of the individual hidden behind the porcelein mask and Prada sweater of "The Carver" was revealed.

Pretty fucking outrageous episode, I have to say. Making a mysterious criminal into a prominent plastic surgeon who happens to have been born without a penis and was in cahoots with his deformed sister/lover/investigating detective the whole time? The only things missing from this show are aliens and a Michael Jackson guest appearance.

I will say that I was simultaneously amused and grossed out when he taunted Christian with the dildo ass rape incident from last season [something about "making sweet love"....muahahahaha]. I suppose I qualify as twisted enough to enjoy this program.

Good show, but what a guilty pleasure. It's got more camp and spit-swapping than a daytime soap, but we eat it up like a fat kid at the China Buffet. I don't see how they can top this shit next season, but I guess we'll see.


  • At 12/21/2005 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually, a Micheal Jackson look-a-like is a regular character on the show... have you ever noticed Matt's uncanny resemblance to said freak-ass pop "icon"?? Oh and BTW... That had to be the single most excruciating finale of any show I have ever watched! I, along with my sister and friend were screaming at the TV! LOL

    C (fellow Fugee)

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