Surrounded by 'tards

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I was at a relative's house yesterday, and Oldest Child was disappointed to discover that his favorite apples were not in the fruit bowl. The child lost his two front teeth last month, it's a mystery to me how he thinks he's gonna effectively polish off an apple with the gaping hole he has in his maw, but whatever. He decided to question the female relative who was hosting the get-together about the absence of his previously requested favorite fruit.

OC: "Where'th the golden delithiouth appleth?"
FR: "They're right there!" [points to fruit bowl]
OC: [holding red apple] "Thethe are NOT golden delithiouth appleth."
FR: "Yes they are! I specifically asked for them at the market."
OC: [looks at her like she is from another planet]
FR: [confused, looks to me] "Well what do golden delicious apples LOOK like anyway???"
K: [snickers] "Uh, they're yellow."
FR: [stares]
K: "Hence the name."
FR: "Then what the hell are THESE?"
K: "They're red."
FR: [stares]
K: "So they're red delicious apples. Hence the name, again."
FR: [getting pissed] "Well I'VE never heard of YELLOW apples."

And she stomped off, defiantly waving what she believed to be a golden apple.

OC: "Mommy, I don't think sthee knowth her colorth."

I don't think tho either, thweetie.


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