I'll shoot yer eye out, kid!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Boys get gunshots, not treats, for Halloween

Wed Nov 2,10:04 AM ET

Two Italian boys were recovering in hospital on Tuesday after a 70-year-old man shot them with his hunting rifle because he was frightened by their Halloween costumes.

The 14-year-old boys, dressed as demons, had knocked on the man's door during an evening of "trick or treat" near the northern town of Turin and set off a firecracker.

When the door opened, instead of a treat, the man fired four shots at the boys having been scared by the noise and their strange outfits, the news agency ANSA said.

Police arrested the man, who lived alone and was the victim of several robberies, for attempted murder, ANSA said. Police said the boys' lives were not in danger but one risked losing an eye.

The tradition of asking neighbors for sweets or money on Halloween is relatively new to Italy but is gaining popularity.


Some glaringly obvious observations:

Trick or Treating is not a standing tradition in Italy

If I lived in a country that didn't celebrate Halloween, I'm not sure I'd know how to react if two people dressed as demons showed up on my doorstep holding bags.

Um, yeah. I'd shoot the little bastards too.

The guy had been robbed before

If I'd been robbed several times, I'd keep a shotgun by the door too.

He's elderly, and lives alone

Having been a victim several times before, and being old and somewhat helpless, the guy has a legitimate gripe.

The idiots set off a firecracker on the guy's doorstep

Think about it; this poor old bastard, living alone, having been a victim of a violent crime before, hears what he may mistake as a gunshot right outside of his front door. When he looks out the window, he sees two guys with masks. He grabs his gun and fires. Not entirely illogical.

The little shits were 14

14 is too old to be trick or treating, in any country. Many 14 year old boys are as tall as adults, and the old guy would have had no way of knowing if they were kids or adults because they were in costume. I'm sure if it had been a couple of short kids, the guy wouldn't have opened fire.

These stupid fucks need to take some responsibility. Honestly, if that was my son, I would blame myself for raising such a moron. I mean, what do you say? "So you dressed up like demons, went to an old man's house, set off firecrackers, demanded candy, and got yourselves shot? OH YOU POOR BABY!!!"

I can't even believe they're holding this guy on attempted murder. Hopefully someone will come to their senses and reduce the charge. Crazy.


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