Convincted of a felony? COME ON DOWN!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

We've become convinced that Charles is on the lam, using an alias to duck the law... probably for raping, torturing and dismembering college co-eds (i.e. loose bitches) somewhere down south. Those in charge have assured us that thorough background checks rule out such a this I can only say to them..."Have you MET Charles?"

After the shift last night, a bunch of supervisors were sitting in the office shooting the shit, throwing around our conspiracy theories, when my boss (the resident big mouth) came out with quite a revelation.

B: "We've got a felon working here right now."
K: "WHO?"
B: "Remember Raul from last week's orientation?"
K: "Yeah..."
B: "Served 20 years for murder. He out on parole for good behavior."
[stunned silence befalls the room]

K: "Are you fucking kidding me?"
B: "Nope."
K: "How did he make it past H.R.?"
B: "Felons need work, too."
K: "Ok, great. So when the felon filets my midsection and trusses me up like a Thanksgiving turkey, can my family sue the company for gross negligence?"
B: "Probably."
K: "Good to know."

Hopefully I'll be able to quit before I piss him off.

So now we're even more convinced that Charles is a fucking serial killer. I mean, hey, if they'll take one murderer, why not another? If I suddenly stop blogging, then you'll know that I've been deemed a "loose bitch" and probably gotten myself choked.


  • At 11/04/2005 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG!!! Be careful! I'm scared as hell for you.

  • At 11/07/2005 2:33 PM, Blogger VISUAL GODDESS said…


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