Another reason to hate my job

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My husband ordered a laptop from Dell on Friday. It was scheduled to be delivered by "the package delivery company that shall remain nameless" today. I had to leave the house for half an hour to get a few things at the supermarket. I figured, what were the chances that I'd miss the delivery guy by being gone half an hour.

Pretty fucking good, when you're me.

I came home to find the cheerful "sorry we missed you!" sticky note on the door. I cursed silently, and immediately started dialing the number on the slip. I work there. This can't be hard, right?

A bubbly, automated voice asked for my tracking information and informed me that I'd missed the guy by 20 minutes. It started to root me through the inane world of voice prompting...I pushed "0" as my personal "fuck you". I was rewarded with the pissiest customer service rep that I've ever come across.
"Don't you bullshit ME, whore!"

CSR: "How can I help you?"

K: "Yeah, hi, I missed my package by 20 minutes, can you ring the guy up and have him swing back my way?"

CSR: "I can't do that ma'am."

K: "I work there, is there anything you can do?" [very pleasant tone of voice]

CSR: "I have no way to get in contact with the driver, ma'am, he's en route." [standard lie that customers are told so that we don't have to do any extra work]

K: "Lady, maybe you didn't hear me. I WORK there. I know for a fact that's not true."

CSR: "It will be delivered again tomorrow."

K: "I'm going to BE AT THE BUILDING tonight, can't I just hop on over to the appropriate truck and snag it?"

CSR: "You can't do that."

K: "Uh, yeah I can. I WORK THERE, I know for a fact that it's been done."

CSR: "I'll have to take your phone number. Someone will call you back to arrange for the pickup."

K: "You don't need to arrange anything. Just leave it on the damned truck and I'll walk into the truck and get it. This is pretty simple."

CSR: "We'll have to call you back, ma'am."

K: "Thanks for being so helpful!" [sarcasm]

CSR: *click*

Is there ANY advantage to working at this hellhole???

I'm literally going to be about 100 yards from the package, yet it's a huge production for me to put my hands on it and walk out the door. I hate my job.


  • At 10/12/2005 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, couldn't you call a co-worker, or someone in the office, to get around the CSR? Maybe the CSR thought you were just making stuff up.

    Love your blog, K!

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