I Heart Foamy the Squirrel

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Foamy's Take On Katrina

Some notable quotes from Foamy's thoughts on:

  • "Stop reporting, and get your asses out there to help these poor bastards off their roofs, you fucking retarded assholes!"
  • "I don't give a shit if you're poor, and now homeless. Stop stealing shit, and help!"
  • "You fucking greedy bastards should be shipped out to sea like the fucking bottom feeders that you really are!"
  • "Fuck the gas. Fuck the oil. We're talking about human life here!"

I need to find out who does the Foamy cartoons, because I will have his babies. All of them.

Find the rest of Foamy's work at Ill Will Press.


  • At 9/24/2005 3:07 PM, Blogger De said…

    Just came across your blog, what a hoot you are and foamy too! I am new at this. Can you tell me how you got the pics on your site?
    Anyway--had me rofl. thanks!

  • At 9/24/2005 3:15 PM, Blogger K said…

    I was going to email you, but you don't have an email listed on your profile. :)

    I just search google for images, or use pictures from the news. I save them on my hard drive, and then use image shack to host them (or I upload them to blogger).

    Here's the link to Blogger help regarding pictures:


    Thanks for stopping in! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when someone tells me that they like what they see.


  • At 9/24/2005 6:29 PM, Blogger Morris said…

    You look like the girl I knew from high school. Drop me a line so we can catch up.

    Mr. Morris
    Ask Morris

  • At 9/24/2005 7:18 PM, Blogger K said…

    You look like that guy that used to stalk me in high school, so no.

  • At 9/24/2005 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, thanks for coming to the "Office of the Keys(clichè, in portuguese).
    A hugh form Brasil.

  • At 9/25/2005 12:19 PM, Blogger K said…

    Hey thanks! Brazilian hugh forms are my favorite kind of forms EVER. :)

  • At 9/25/2005 12:33 PM, Blogger Patt said…

    love this blog

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