
Sunday, August 28, 2005

I took Oldest Child out for dinner at Applebee's this evening (you know, the place with all the goofy shit on the walls...Shenanigans!). We'd been school shopping, and it was always tradition in my childhood to be taken out to a meal in between hellish visits to various fitting rooms where my mother would scream at me for being "too fat to fit into anything". Since nothing is too good for my little angel, Applebee's it was.

We sat down, directly across from a gaggle of little old ladies having "supper". Oldest Child marveled at the goofy shit on the walls while I ordered up a drink. He even got a coloring book with 2 crayons: green and orange. "How am I supposed to color with just THESE?" A valid question indeed; Oldest Child is no fool.

So we order him up his Mac 'n Cheese, and as we're waiting, a family comes in with a small child, couldn't have been more than 2 years old. He promptly points at the old ladies and yells "Look Mommy! WHORES!!!" As my alcoholic beverage came shooting out of my nasal passages, one of the bitties actually said "Well I NEVER!" before her prehistoric counterpart poked her and said "Esther...behind us..."

There was a large carousel horse hung up next to the booth. The old whores had quite a laugh.
"That horse has no shame...look at the way she's dressed, she was asking for it"


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