The Evolution of the F*ck Buddy

Saturday, August 20, 2005

We've all heard the colorful terms that are used to describe a relationship that revolves around sex. Fuck buddy, friend with benefits, booty call, hook-up...I find it interesting that these kinds of interactions have become the norm among the 18-30 year old demographic. Settling down young is considered to be out of the ordinary, and fucking without emotion is status quo.

I can understand the random hook-up that leads to a few more no-strings booty calls over time. It's the whole "Friend with Benefits" title that confuses me.

How do you handle a sexual relationship with someone you've been friends with for a relatively long time? Will the friendship ever be the same after an exchange of fluids has occurred? Can you ever completely go back to being "just friends"?

I'm thinking that this all depends on the level of the friendship before said exchange. Casual acquaintances probably have an easier time of separating emotion from sex. Close friends must have a more difficult time with the differentiation.

It seems that hurt feelings are inevitable. No matter what your intentions are going into it, somebody will end up feeling used. Somebody will end up having feelings that are unreciprocated. The women I know try to play it off like no big deal, it's just sex...but ulterior motives abound. Maybe if I give him the best blow job he's ever had, he'll call me again...

Women are not genetically programmed for casual sex. As cavewomen, we had to be very selective with our partners...9 months gestation was downright dangerous in the days of T-Rex, and we weren't gonna waste that one precious egg we produced per month on just any old hairy animal that happened to drag his knuckles by the cavern. That instinct remains intact today, no matter how hard we try to fight against it; we're picky, and when we give it up, we expect some level of commitment and respect.

Men on the other hand are genetically programmed to spread their seed to the four winds. Since the average lifespan in the days of the neanderthal was about 30, they had to spread it quick and do it right; any cave bitch would do. The more baby mamas the better. Species was propogated, Neanderthal man had done his job. Even if he got his ass eaten by a Pterodactyl immediately post-coitus, his destiny was fulfilled. Modern men don't seem to fight against this genetic predisposition as hard as women do.

"I wonder if she shaves..."

Does anybody truly believe that we, as women, have managed to buck millions of years of evolution in a single generation?

I don't think we've suddenly evolved into a species of worldly women who just want to fuck, harboring no desire to be committed to he who shares her body. I think we've just gotten better at hiding it. Modern cavewomen have to do what they can to protect their primitive hearts.


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